Constructing bridges and discovering musical paths
Alejandro Brittes – 2024/25 Tour of the United States
Pronac 23-1716
Applicant: Magali de Rossi Produções Culturais.
Alejandro Brittes recebeu autorização do Ministério da Cultura (MinC) do Brasil para receber incentivos fiscais por meio da Lei Rouanet para receber verbas para turnês fora do Brasil. O país escolhido para essa turnê, como trio, são os Estados Unidos. A turnê será realizada em agosto de 2024 e terminará em outubro do mesmo ano, e acontecerá nos estados do Novo México, Arizona, Califórnia, etc.
Haverá shows em festivais como: San José Jazz Festival (CA), Cotati Accordion Festival (CA), etc. As empresas podem associar sua marca a essa iniciativa cultural e se beneficiar do posicionamento da marca e oferecer aos seus funcionários e comunidade um resultado espetacular.
O Projeto já tem um investidor, a marca ARROZ PRATO fino é patrocinadora oficial do tour. O projeto também tem um saldo para patrocínio incentivado.

Testimonials from those who have already sponsored Alejandro Brittes’ projects through the Rouanet Law.
“I was very satisfied in participating, through the Rouanet Law, in the “(L)ESTE” project led by Alejandro Brittes. In the case of our company, we took advantage the opportunity of the performance in the Missions to bring together our collaborators and enjoy the concert together. That was beautiful! For many it was the first opportunity to witness that type of presentation, it was a unique moment. The concert is wonderful! In terms of marketing, it was a great opportunity to give visibility to our company, associate our brand with a high-level cultural event
“Sponsoring Alejandro Brittes’ project through the Tintas Killing Company via the Incentive Law was very important for the company and for regional culture. We are proud to support this artist of great cultural value! I hope this is a project of many”
“It was a great honor to meet and support Alejandro Brites, this great Argentine accordionist musician based in Rio Grande do Sul. Through the incentive of the Rouanet Law, we sponsored the launch of the album: “El viento y las hojas” in Europe and Argentina and an accordion workshop was held in the company’s criollo warehouse. It was a unique moment of learning with this living legend of the accordion. From this arose a friendship and a lot of admiration for his work, which values the culture of southern South America.. ”
“Grupo Bugio is honored to support this beautiful project (L)ESTE – Via Lei Rouanet by the talented musician Alejandro Brittes, who masterfully disseminates accordion and South American music around the world.”
“We were very happy to be able to participate through the Rouanet Law in Alejandro Brittes’ (L)ESTE project. The album launch event (L)este, held at Paróquia São João Batista de Nova Prata – RS, was a beautiful spectacle that provided the community with a moment of culture and leisure with top-notch music in a unique environment such as the Igreja Matriz . Linking our brand to initiatives like this reiterates our commitment to important cultural projects for society, encouraging access to art.”
Book – González System The desire to have print material about the González accordion system has accompanied me for more than thirty years, as an accordionist and disciple of that system. I remember when I began to study this technique with the professor Nini Flores before his departure for France, and how much it was needed to for me to have a “manual” in my hands to be able to continue progressing with the instrument.
Although I had studied with the greatest icon of this accordion system, innumerable challenges accompanied me, and continue to accompany me, in my path as a musician.All of these challenges arose because of the fact that the González system is relatively new, and transmitted orally, and does not possess a bibliography that could orient a serious study of this mechanism. For these reasons, I created a book with the simple motivation to collaborate and help facilitate the understanding of the logic and fingering of this system.
All these challenges arose due to the fact that the Gonzaléz system is young, transmitted orally, and does not have a bibliography that guides the study of this mechanism. Due to these factors, this book was prepared with the full intention of collaborating and helping to facilitate the understanding of its logic and typing.
A origem do Chamamé
Alejandro has researched about Chamamé for almost twenty years, in reality, we also asked innumerable questions about this rhythm which were compiled into a book. Alejandro co-authored the book with historian and cultural producer Magali de Rossi, together, one with experience of having had lived and shared conversations and hearty laughs with important names of Chamamé´s old guard and the other with an academic preparation to develop the subject in a theoretical manner.
Both present a challenge to readers to think of borders not only as geopolitical demarcations, but rather malleable spaces with the cultural realm, Conceiving of music as a long process, playing a particular role in the Social Imaginary and in Collective Memory. The book indicates paths to begin to reveal more about Chamamé and its rituality.
For the authors, music, dance, rituals and cosmogony are influenced, engage in dialogue and respond to gaps, even in a fashion imperceptible to our eyes, all these cultural expressions and human behaviors give a people their identity, they fulfill a metaphysical function and they take us beyond what is presented by science. Perhaps that is why Chamamé is one of the few rhythms that brings with it the peculiar motivation to question: Where did all this come from? Why are we this way? What stories does this rhythm have to teach us?
Project supported by the Edital diversidades das culturas – Fundação Marcopolo e Secretaria da Cultura do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – Lei Aldir Blanc.