Alejandro Brittes Trio’s 2024 tour teams up with the Brazil-California Chamber of Commerce and Direct Relief for a Solidarity campaign to provide medical assistance to the State of Rio Grande do Sul in response to flooding
The State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, is experiencing a historic catastrophe due to intense rains and floods.
The floods placed Rio Grande do Sul in a state of emergency, with millions of people without homes, hundreds of thousands in makeshift shelters and countless people missing and dead. This disaster is occurring in two-thirds of the state, affecting people, animals, cities and agriculture.
To address this, Alejandro Brittes teams up with BCCC – Brazil California Chamber of commerce and Direct Relief in a Solidarity campaign to raise funds to help save lives and deliver medical and emergency aid to the Flood Response in Brazil.
If you can help, click the button below and you will be directed to the BCCC – Brazil California Chamber of Commerce website.